This chapter provides general information about privacy and GDPR, but is not an exaustive and legal-proof guide about the website privacy management.


GDPR means "General Data Protection Regulation". It is a European regulation about privacy protection, replacing the 1995 data protection directive.

It's meant to bring transparency across the private data management and cookie handling for the website owners. The regulation includes the collection and management of personal data from your visitors and user Generated Content.

WordPress, since version 5, contains already some bae dispositions about Privacy, making it easier to comply with the regulations.


You can now enable the privacy checkbox making it optional for your website to store or discard the user-generated data as name and email. These preferences are in the "discussion" settings of Wordpress.

Privacy page:

Now WordPress allows you to set a privacy page. The content of this page should be made from a professional, especially if you are building a website for a big company, which is more subject to data treatment restrictions than a private hobbyist.


Wordpress by default uses cookies, even when unogged. This is not really 100% compliant with EU GDPR, and is one of the things you shuld specify in your GDPR consent bar.

Consent notice:

You should display the usual consent bar about privacy. There are plugins that, instead of a bar, allow to make a squared notification in a corner, which looks less bulky and has the same effect. It sould avoid you to cover the player or the menu. For a nice-looking and still-solid plugin we can suggest this

But that's completely up to you and to your business consultant suggestions.

Google fonts

If you use google fonts, it will add extra cookies from Google. Our documentation explains how to disable them if you want.

Embedding videos from Youtube, and similar

When you include any player like videos or Soundcloud player, or similar, you automatically include also the cookies from those third-party providers. Just be aware about it in your privacy document.


This page is meant to simply let you know about this important aspect for your website, but is note meant to be complete or up to date. You should contact a professional for a reliable consulence about your privacy protection practices. Our product is just a software to make web pages, doesnt' prevent to apply any privacy protection system, nor adds any special function that complies on your behalf to those obbligations, so pro.Radio is not in any way responsible for your privacy protection. Our company doesn't gather any data of any sort from the visitors of your website, not even anonymous.


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