Viewing articles tagged 'songs'
SideKick songs: manually add a new song to the archive
Sidekick comes with a Songs custom post type. That means an archive of songs.This is meant to...
Radio Song History
Radio Station Songs History The main purpose of SideKick is to generate and display the song...
Vote for current song
With SideKick Premium you can vote for the current song. Make sure this option is enabled: 1)...
Dedications and SideKick integration
Pro Radio SideKick Premium can seamlessly integrate with Pro Radio Dedications (Free), and Pro...
Elementor Widget SideKick Songs and History
You can display songs taken from your SideKick Songs Archive anywhere on your website, using...
4.14 Chart tracklist
You can display a single chart tracklist to a page using Elementor, and the Pro.Radio Chart...
12.20 Server type - Everest Cast
How to Get the Direct MP3 Stream URL and API URL in Everest Cast Step 1: Copy the Direct MP3...