Sidekick comes with a Songs custom post type. That means an archive of songs.

This is meant to unify played songs from any radio channel, charts, dedications and manual entries. It keeps a unique ID for each song, and stores the number of play minutes for each song and of likes from the users, upvotes, and dedication messages including this song.

It's kind of the "brain" of SideKick.

Songs are NOT meant to be populated manually, but you can do it if you want.

Why should you add a song manually?

If you want a special song to be available for Dedications, or for usage in multiple charts, you can add this song manually to the database.

SideKick will take care of completing the missing information, in case this song is available on iTunes, or you can compile any field manually.

How to manually add a song

From the left menu click Songs > Add New

You don't need to be accurate on the title: this will be automatically compiled when you save. Do NOT change the title manually: SideKick will automatically rewrite it using the title and artist, since titles are used as primary key to check the presence of a song in the database, before deciding to enter a new song or udpate the existing one.

Song Title (Autocompile) 

Just start typing a title and artist to search in the iTunes or local library. If a song is already in the archive, it will NOT be added twice. 

Click on a song title to compile all fields automatically:

If you don't like the artwork, audio sample, link or popularity score (likes and play time) you can change those parameters.

If you don't want to use the autosuggest, you can disable this feature in the Sidekick settings (previous chapter).

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