To optimize sharing contents, you need specific plugins, the best (free) is All in One SEO, but also AIOSEO is good.


To manage the social media appearance of a shared link in WordPress using the All in One SEO plugin, you can follow these instructions:


  1. Install and activate the All in One SEO plugin: Go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to "Plugins" and click on "Add New." Search for "All in One SEO" and click on "Install Now" next to the plugin. Once installed, click on "Activate" to activate the plugin.
  2. Configure All in One SEO: After activating the plugin, you'll find a new menu item called "All in One SEO" in your WordPress dashboard. Click on it to access the plugin's settings.
  3. Navigate to the "Social Meta" settings: In the All in One SEO settings, you'll see various tabs. Look for the "Social Meta" tab and click on it. This tab contains the settings related to social media appearance.
  4. Customize the social media appearance: On the "Social Meta" tab, you'll find options to control how your shared links appear on different social media platforms. These options include settings for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.
  5. Configure the default settings: You can start by configuring the default settings that will be applied to all shared links. Fill in the fields for the default title, description, and image. This information will be used when a specific post or page does not have its own customized settings.
  6. Customize individual post/page settings (optional): If you want to override the default settings for specific posts or pages, you can do so from their respective editing screens. Scroll down to the All in One SEO section, and you'll find fields to enter a custom title, description, and image for social media appearance.
  7. Configure social media platform-specific settings: To further refine how your links appear on each social media platform, you can adjust the settings specific to each platform. For example, you can set a specific image size for Facebook or Twitter cards.
  8. Save your changes: Once you have configured the desired settings for social media appearance, click on the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the All in One SEO settings page to save your changes.
  9. Test your links: After saving the settings, it's a good practice to test how your links appear on different social media platforms. You can use the sharing debugger tools provided by Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to preview the appearance of your shared links.


By following these instructions, you'll be able to manage the social media appearance of shared links in WordPress using the All in One SEO plugin.


If a link was shared before, after setting the Plugin, remember to debug the link to scrape new infos


Facebook bugs

Please be aware that Facebook scraper and Facebook cache are OFTEN subject to bugs. This means it may not see updated contents or may not be able to fetch the featured image. That's normal even though not frequent, but if you're sure you did anything right and sharing doesn't work properly, don't exclude a problem on behalf of Facebook.

In which case, a good trick is to edit your post, change the permalink a little bit, and try sharing it again.

When the URL changes, Facebook will ignore previously cached information and will fetch the new data, which usually solves the problem.

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