SecurenetSystems is an all in one platform for streaming and podcasting.

You can easily implement a web radio streaming source from into your website using the Pro Radio WordPress Theme. Our built-in player can reproduce the audio source, display the titles and retrieve the album artwork of the songs, automatically.

The setup is easy and takes a few simple steps:

1) Go to Radio Channels > add new

2) In the MP3 stream URL, paste the link of your Securesystems stream (aac or mp3) for instance:

3) In the Server Type dropdown, select Securesystems

4) Paste the link to the XML feed, for instance

5) Save



At this point you should already see the titles. Sometimes, this doesn't happen, in this case:

1) Please open the XML feed in the browser, make sure you see something like this:

If the link is correct:

2) Enable the checkbox of the field "Use Proxy" and save.

At this point, it will use a server side connection to read the song titles. Normally, this is not required for this streaming provider.

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