
01. Getting started (13)

Requirements and set up process

02. Updating theme and plugins (3)

This section contains the updating procedures for your theme and plugin

03. Customizations (19)

How to edit the global appearance of your radio station website

04. Pages (28)

Pages are the most basic structure of data of your website, along with blog posts and archives.

05. Blog (8)

How to create the news blog

06. Sponsors (4)

This theme allows to store and display Sponsors in your pages.

07. Music charts (8)

Create and manage music charts (top 10)

08. Team Members (7)
09. Podcasts (7)

This theme has a custom post type for Podcasts, which is recommended instead of using regular posts for your podcasting activity.

10. Events (10)

An event is a custom post type that allows you to add some special fields like date, location, address, map and event detail.

11. Videos (4)

Create video pages and filterable video galleries

12. Radio channels (24)

To add and play web radio streams with the player, you will need to create the Radio Channels using this dedicated post type.

13. Radio shows and schedule (11)

The shows are custom post types used to compose a schedule.

14. Contact pages and form (2)

How to add a contact form with the Pro.Radio WordPress theme

15. Donations (1)

Manage donation forms in your radio station website

16. Icons2Go plugin (1)

Custom icons plugin for your website

17. Mega footer & header (1)

Create and manage footers with Elementor

18. Music player (7)

How the music player works, settings and features

19. Ajax page load (1)

This plugin handles the ajax page loading allowing the musc to play across pages

20. Translating theme and plugins (1)

This theme is very easy to translate as the .mo .po (pot) files are provided within the language sub folder of the theme.

21. Privacy settings (1)

This chapter provides general information about privacy and GDPR

22. bbPress Forum Integration (6)

How to create a public forum with bbPress and Pro Radio theme for WordPress

23. All in One Radio Website (1)

Instructions specific to All in One Radio hosted service