8. Team Members
Team Members are a custom post type meant to represent the djs or other professional staff of the...
8.1 How to create a team member
To create a "team member" follow these steps: Step 1: In your WordPress Admin click "Team...
8.2 Member type
The custom taxonomy Member Type is dedicated to team members. It allows to display filtered...
8.3 Team members archives
When adding team members, WordPress will automatically create an archive, under the link /members...
8.4 How to add team members to the menu
Step 1: In your WordPress Admin, visit Appearance > Menu Step 2: Make sure you are editing...
8.5 Team members in Elementor
You can display team members within an Elementor section using different widgets added by the...
8.6 Add a Members Carousel with Elementor
To display a carousel of Team Members in Elementor Step 1: edit the page with Elementor Step...