If a show is scheduled multiple times, you can choose to hide the listing of the time or limit the visible entries.


Example of a show with too many entries to display in the page:


1) How to hide the timetable for a single show

If you don't want to display the timetable of a single show:

  1. Edit the single show
  2. In the box "Details" set the attribute "Display timetable in single show page" to "Hide"

2) How to limit the number of items in the single show timetable

Example result:

You can limit the number of rows in the table to 3 or 5, and display a button to expand the box.
To use this option:

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize
  2. Select "Special Content Settings"
  3. Select "Schedule settings"
  4. In the option "Time Table Limit in single show page" select an option you like
  5. Save
  6. Clicking "Toggle all" you can still see all of the results

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