How to create a new show:

  1. Click Shows -> Add New
  2. Fill in a title, description and genre(s)
  3. Featured image: is the picture used in the schedule and as main image in the show page. Suggested size 1900x1000px.
    The featured image has to be a proper picture, not a flyer/banner containing texts. Make sure to use an image with a centered subject to guarantee a perfect appearance across the different elements and screen resolutions.
    Correct crop Wrong crop
  4. Short show description is used in the schedule. If missing, an excerpt will be used. It allows basic html tags.
  5. Remember to SAVE /PUBLISH


Once a show is published, it can be added to a schedule.

Note: The show’s timetable is automatically generated from the Schedule.

Did you know that...

  • Any show can be added to any schedule as many times as you want.
  • When editing a show, it will change in every schedule that contains it.
  • A show doesn’t need to be duplicated in order to appear in multiple schedules. If for example your timetable is a week and a show is every morning, you don’t need to create 7 copies of the show. The item is re-usable across unlimited schedule pages.

Show custom fields

Subtitle: a short string of text

Payoff: a quick intro for the show

Short show description: a few lines that will appear in the timetable, clicking on the Expand icon. No images, HTML or shortcodes should be used.

Podcast archive: choose a Podcast Filter to display the related podcasts.

News archive: choose some related posts

Latest chart: display the tracks from the latest top 10 associated with the show. To use it we recommend using a specific Chart Category referring to the show. Please check the "Charts" page of the documentation for more information.

Events archive: display events related with the show, by Event Type

Associated team member: you can display a list of team members related to the show. Use the "+" icon to add new members then choose them from the dropdown

Social network pages: add the URL to your page for each network. An icon will appear in the show header.

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