When adding charts, WordPress will automatically create an archive, under the link /chart of your WordPress website.

Anyway, you can create a custom Chart archive page with a custom featured image, title and, optionally, also custom contents from Elementor.

To create a custom chart archive:

Step 1: In your WordPress admin visit Pages > Add New

Step 2: Give it a title, and choose the template Archive Charts

Chart archive pageStep 3: optionally set a featured image. This picture will be used also as cover in the header background, for your chart archive.

Step 4: optionally set custom parameters as Page Header opacity and visibility

Step 5: optionally add custom Elementor contents (we suggest to use the Hide Page Header parameter if you want to build a custom header with Elementor)

Once done, you should save a draft or publish the page, before clicking Edit with Elementor.

Edit archive with Elementor

The custom content will appear above the charts archive results, on the first page of your charts archive (page 2 and following will display the standard header, as this function is intended for creating a custom entry cover for the charts archive).

To display a "Load more" button instead of the classic pagination, please visit Appearance > Customize > Layout and Design > Layout, and enable the Load More pagination.

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