Once you created a Podcasts archive page, or a podcast Filter category, you can add them to the menu.

How to add the podcast page to the menu

Step 1: In your WordPress Admin, visit Appearance > Menu

Step 2: Make sure you are editing the right menu, or select the right one from the dropdown, and click Select

Step 3: In Pages, click View All, and select the Podcast page you previously created using the template "Archive Podcast"

Step 4: click Add to menu

Once done you can drag the item in the menu at the point you want

Step 5: click "Save Menu"

How to link specific "podcast filter" archive in the Menu

Step 1: Go to Appearance > Menu and make sure you are editing the right menu

Step 2: click Screen Options and enable the Podcast Filters

Step 3: find the Filters Type tab, and add the type you want to the menu

Step 4: you can now drag and drop the new item in the desided position within the menu.

Step 5: Save the menu

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