How to add a podcast slider with Elementor to your homepage

STEP 1 - Add a new full width section with no padding


podcast slider step 1 new section


Make sure to choose 1 column structure.



Set the section to Full Width if you want to use the custom slider background



Now set column padding to 0 (right click on the column, edit column, click advanced and change padding ot 0)


column padding


STEP 2 - Drag the Podcast Slider item in the page editor

podcast slider

STEP 3 - Style the Podcast Slider

In Background, optionally enable the background picture. It will use the image set as custom background for each podcast episode. (see step 7)

podcast slider background


Optionally add a background overlay to increase legibility, as a gradient or a flat color.


Set your preferred design options from the Settings.

Font size and padding options can be set for specific responsive breakpoints.

podcast episode slider design settings


To set custom paddings for tabled and mobile, click the small screen icon and choose another device. The preview size will show the result on that resolution.
Please note the result may be slightly different in a real mobile device.


slider podcast responsivity design fix



In the Query filters you can choosw which podcast episodes to display, by Series, category and more:


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