Some features are only available with the Premium license.

To access the plugin settings click on Dedications > Settings

radio dedications settings



Full list of settings (default and premium):


  • Name: 
    display a name field in the submission form

  • Song:
    Display a song title input field with optional search from iTunes

  • Privacy:
    Display a mandatary privacy checkbox 

  • Admin notification: [premium] 
    Send an email to the website administrator when a dedication is submitted. The email contains a link to approve or delete the submission

  • Email [premium] :
    Display a mandatary email input field in the dedication form

  • User notification [premium]: 
    Automatically notify a user when his dedication is approved and public

  • Phone [premium]: 
    Display an optional telephone field that the radio can use to contact the listener

  • Custom notification email [premium] :
    Set a custom address instead of the default website administrator

  • Blacklist IP [premium]:
    Fight spammers by blacklisting users by IP.

  • Blacklist Email [premium]:
    Fight spammers by blacklisting users by email

  • User notification subject [premium]:
    Set a custom subject for the notification sent to the users on approval

  • User notification message [premium]:
    Set a custom content for the mail sent to the users on approval

  • Rate limiting [premium]:
    set the maximum amount of pending dedications that a user can submit. Based on IP address. Default: 20



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