Import any audio podcast RSS feed in seconds
- Play directly in your website's player
- Save hours with powerful automations
- Featured image and auto categorization
With Pro Radio Podcast Importer you can create in seconds a powerful archive of episodes for all of your radio shows, link them to the shows and generate valuable contents for your visitors.
Automatic hourly update
- Process tasks every hour or every day
- Update every podcast source on autopilot
- Prevent server overloads with smart scheduling
The smart scheduling allows to limit the number of episodes per run, preventing server overloads and excessive CPU consumption. You can decide how many episodes to import, and how often to run. Import a few podcast at a time and prevent resource outages.

Featured image and fallback picture
- Auto download the episode artwork
- Set a custom fallback picture
- Auto thumbnail generation
Pro Radio Podcast Importer will automatically import the podcast artwork into your podcast library and allows to select a custom artwork in case the original image is missing.
Smart categories and terms
- Pre-select a custom Podcast category
- Set the Category taxonomy for your webs
- Automatically add new categories
With Pro Radio you can link a specific podcast category to its own radio show. New episodes will automatically appear in the radio show page, to entertain your visitors and generate a stable growth of your radio station listeners.
Categories found in rss feeds can be automatically added and linked to the episode.

Smart podcast importing plugin for WordPress
Podcast Importer Basic
Included with Pro Radio WordPress Theme-
Multiple RSS feed sources (3 limit)
Import description
Pre-select default category for each feed
Enable-disable Cron Job with a click
Select any custom post type
Select any custom taxonomy
No function to remove links from podcast text
Cannot set default artwork fallback
Auto-import schedule: every 24 hours
Maximum 3 manual import runs per day
Import task limited to 3 episodes per feed
No function to delete imported podcasts in bulk
Podcast Importer Premium
All features unlocked-
All you have in free version plus:
Unlimited RSS feed sources in archive
Auto strip links from imported content
Import to 50 podcast episodes per run per feed
Auto-import cron: 30 minutes, 1, 12 and 24 hours scheduling
Unlimited manual import per day
Automatically create new categories from RSS source
Set a default artwork for each feed source
Button to delete all imported podcasts in one click

Discover Podcast Importer Premium
The handy automator that makes your radio grow
Unlimited RSS Feeds
PodyBot Premium allows to create unlimited podcast feed sources. The free version is limited to 3 rss sources.
Custom scheduling
Set your favorite running program, every 30 minutes, one hour or 12 hours, instead of having only 1 import per day
Custom default image
With PodyBot Premium you can set a custom default picture for your podcast episodes if the original one is missing
Up to 50 episodes per run
PodyBot Premium allows to import up to 50 episodes for each RSS podcast feed, for each run. Free version alllows up to 3.
Automatic category creation
The Premium version allows to generate automatically the missing podcast categories reading the rss feed source
Auto strip links
To improve your seo and reduce outbout links you can automatically strip the links found in the imported podcast episode description
Server Performance
Differently from many podcast importers out there, you can limit the execution batch to limit CPU and memory usage, preventing server outages
Pro Radio PodyBot Podcast Pmporter is a trademark of QantumThemes SL. All Rights Reserved.