Store song history and display interactive tracks
- Song history,voting & search
- Save hours with powerful automations
- Auto-generate song archives & charts
As a good ninja, SideKick has good hearing. Can recognize any song and store it to create music charts, display lists, suggest dedications and much more!
Music Chart Generator on Autopilot!
- Identify, complete and store played tracks
- Find artwork and missing info
- Extract songs by play, date or likes
Sidekick is your ultimate DJ! He crafts the perfect playlist tailored just for you, curating an array of tracks that match your preferences. Whether you desire the most beloved classics, the hottest chart-toppers, or the latest hits, Sidekick selects with precision and flair. Choose your timeframe, and he’ll pick the tracks for you!
Save hours of work while publishing valuable content and increase engagement!

Elementor Song Widget: Boost Engagement with Full Interactivity
- Easily display song lists and grids
- Create playlists by likes, date, top play
- Interactive! Listen, like or buy the songs!
With the new Sidekick Elementor Widget you can display tracklists based on your specific query, by play date, likes, radio history or hand-picked ones. Choose the interaction buttons you like and enjoy advanced customizations available with Sidekick Premium.
Fully integrated with Pro.Radio Dedications plugin!
- Store dedicated songs in 1 click for reuse
- Auto-suggest custom songs for dedications
- Count dedications as likes for rankings
Sidekick Premium works in sinergy with Pro Radio Dedications: you can add new songs to your database when approving a dedication and autosuggest songs from your local archive in the Dedications form, including any song you may want to add.

No hero stands alone:
your radio station’s wingman is here.
Included with Pro Radio WordPress Theme-
Song History (3 songs)
1 Channel can store history
3 Minutes Song Check Interval
Global song database with Likes rank
Global "played time" rank
Automatic Chart Generator (5 songs a time)
Music chart autosuggest (3 titles per chart)
Chart votes don't affects global song ranking
Cannot store dedication songs in database
Song autocompile in admin (max 3 songs)
only 1,2,3 columns in SideKick Song Widget
Elementor songs widget with basic options
Only 5 songs in charts
No vote action for current song in player
Liked songs can't be stored if not in database
SideKick Premium
All features unlocked-
Song History 10 songs
3 Channels can store history
1 to 5 Minutes Song Check Interval
Global song database with Likes rank
Global "played time" rank
Automatic Chart Generator (100 songs a time)
Music chart autosuggest Unlimited
Chart votes affects global song ranking
Store dedication songs in database
Unlimited song autocompile in admin
5,6,7,8 columns Elementor Widget
Elementor songs colors and styling
Up to 20 songs in charts
Vote for current track in playr bar
Liked songs are automatically added to database
Have you ever wanted to do more with your radio?
SideKick is here to make your wish come true.
It saves hours upon hours of work by automating the most time-consuming tasks: creating charts, compiling song titles, adding dedication songs to the database, displaying song widgets, and fetching info. Additionally, it offers a plethora of interactivity options for your pages with the Sidekick Elementor widget. This feature equips your users with fancy buttons to listen to song samples, vote for favorite tracks, find songs on iTunes, and more.
Sidekick serves as the ultimate boost to your management tasks, enabling you to accomplish more in a fraction of the time.
Discover SideKick Premium
Your Loyal Right-Hand Helper To Boost Productivity And Engagement
Store Song History
SideKick will monitor your current song title, complete missing informations, import the artwork picture in database, and keep track of how many minutes each song is played in your channel. History can be added to any page with Elementor. Free version can display only the latest 3 songs, while Premium can store and display up to 10.
Autosuggest song data
By simply typing a song title into the admin page, SideKick swiftly auto-compiles titles, artists, albums, artwork, audio samples, and more. This wealth of information can then be effortlessly utilized to generate a music chart with a single click, provide auto-suggestions for the Dedications form, showcase a dynamic playlist on the frontend, or craft custom song cards for your users' delight.
Reusable songs database
After compiling a music chart, you can store all song data in your database with a simple click. The song information is ready for reuse in new charts, Dedications form, Elementor playlists and more. Songs can be fetched by your radio channel's history, user dedications, or added manually at your discretion.
Vote current song
With SideKick Premium you can display a Like button in the main player, giving users more engagement and satisfaction, and providing you with useful feedback for your charts and more usages.
Automatic Chart generator
Create charts in 1 click! Easily extract and precompile a chart using the songs from your radio history. Choose songs by ranking, play counts, or recency. SideKick free: up to 5 songs, SideKick Premium: up to 20
Custom cron job time
Upgrade to SideKick Premium for custom song-check intervals. Free: 3 minutes. Premium: 1 minute for frequent updates, or 5 minutes for CPU efficiency.
Radio Dedications autocompile
With SideKick Premium you can include local songs in the Dedications autosuggest, suggesting first the songs from your radio station and including custom titles you can manually add to the database.
Dedications auto-save
Sidekick Premium has an option to automatically store in database or increase ranking for the songs coming from your radio dedications, seamlessly growing your database without any effort and integrating missing information from the iTunes library.
Elementor Widgets
The SideKick Elementor Widget can display songs, playlists and grids based on your custom query: most popular, most recent, most played or any custom query with specific song titles. This includes your radio station history. Users can vote tracks and listen straight from the widget!
Video Tutorials
Pro Radio SideKick comse fully documented in 7 Languages, and covered by wuick video tutorials
The plugin is fully documented ad this page. Support is provided via Helpdesk.
SEO and Performance
SideKick Premium is safe and fast, built on the same Pro Radio theme code and doesn’t affect page speed. It uses asynchronous loading and is compatible with caching plugins.
Any doubt or question? Feel free to contact us!
Pro Radio SideKick is a trademark of QantumThemes. All Rights Reserved.