Customizability and options
Customize the archives and single page headers with dozenz of options
PRO.RADIO allows you to customize almost any detail of your radio station website, visually, and with live preview!
Menus, player, colors, backgrounds, fonts, design, sticky headers, secondary headers:
the list is endless, and you don’t need to code anything!
A higher customisability than many multi-purpose WordPress Themes!
A higher customisability than many multi-purpose WordPress Themes!

200+ Available options
Check below the list of customizer settings available in
Pro.Radio WordPress theme. More info are available in the manual.
200+ Available options
- Sticky menu
- Transparent menu
- Logo header opaque
- Logo header transparent
- main menu text color
- Main menu links color
- Main menu links hover color
- menu font size
- Logo ane menu height
- Logo and menu height when scrolled
- Logo margin
- Menu vertical padding
- Logo header movile
- Play button
- Play button text label
- Volume control
- Search form
Call to action button
- Enable / Disable CTA
- Enable /disable in mobile
- Button text
- Icon (100 + icons)
- Action
- Link URL
- Target (blank or self)
- CSS class for advanced customization
- Element ID (for advanced js functions)
Secondary menu
- Enable / Disable secondary menu
- Custom text call to action
- Custom Event Countdown
- Custom optional link
- Optionally show streaming song title
- Icon (100 + icons)
- Secondary menu background color
- Secondary menu text color
- Secondary menu links color
- Secondary menu links hover color
- Maximum container width (boxed option)
- Container shadow
- Load more pagination in archives
- Blog posts sidebar for single pages
- Post items corner radius
- Post items shadow
- Default archives template:
- Archive sidebar
- Archive no sidebar
- Grid sidebar
- Grid no sidebar
- Horizontal sidebar
- Masonry grid
Captions and separators
- Captions background
- Captions text color
Page headers
- Page header parallax
- Padding top
- Padding bottom
- Mobile padding top and bottom
- Mouse icon with scroll function
- Header separator decoration
- Default page header background picture
- Waves animation effect
- Duotone effect
- Greyscale background
- Darken background
- Gradient overlay
- Gradient overlay colors
- Frame border decoration
- Frame border width
- Frame padding
- Buttons background
- Buttons hover background
- Buttons text color
- Buttons corner radius
Related contents
You can show or hide the related contents at the bottom of the single pages for each specific post type.
- Posts switch
- Chart switch
- Event switch
- Team member switch
- Place switch
- Podcast switch
- Video switch
- Radio show switch
The theme is based on the popular Material Design color scheme, but you can override each single color for every specific element.
Available color pickers in this section:
Available color pickers in this section:
- Body background color
- Main container background color
- Paper and cards background
- Text color
- Titles color
- Accent color
- Accent color hover
- Text color on accent
- Primary background color
- Primary light color
- Primary dark color
- Primary text color
- Duotone color light (used on images)
- Duotone color dark (used on images)
- Gradient backgrounds (used on special cards and pricing plans)
- Gradient primary boxes
- Font family
- Variant
- Letter spacing
- Global text rendering
Bold font
Pick any font for bold texts!
- Font family
- Variant
- Letter spacing
Global font for any H1 – H6 html tags
- Font family
- Variant
- Letter spacing
- Text transform
Page headers and special captions
- Font family
- Variant
- Letter spacing
- Text transform
- Rendering
Site identity
The default funcions from WordPress allow to set site title and tagline. The tagline is not visible in frontend for this theme.
- Site title
- Tagline
- Site icon (favicon)
This WordPress theme comes with 4 Menu locations:
- Primary menu
- Secondary menu
- Desktop off canvas (mobile shows the primary meny in the off-canvas section)
- Footer Menu
Widgetized sidebars
This WordPress theme comes with 2 sidebar locations:
- Off-canvas sidebar, available in any page
- Right sidebar (available only on some page templates)
- Copyright text content
- Copyright bar background color
- Copyright bar text color
- Copyright bar links color
- Copyright bar links color hover
MegaFooter options
The theme provides a new MegaFooter plugin to create unlimited custom footers using Elementor. You can choose which footers to display on the enetire website using this option from the customiser. Single pages can override this setting by hiding the MegaFooter or setting a custom one.
Chart settings
- Auto reorder chart tracklist by votes
- Display sidebar (in single chart pages)
Events settings
- Hide past events
- Display sharing function in events
- Use 12 hours format (in frontend)
Show schedule settings
- Use 12 or 24 H time format
Social icons
Easily display social icons on the secondary header and footer.
Available icons:
Available icons:
- Amazon
- Android
- Flickr
- Myspace
- Snapchat
- Soundcloud
- Vimeo
- WordPress
- YouTube
And more will come!
Advanced settings
Boost seo and performance with these settings!
- Load minified styles
- Load minified javascript
- Charts URL permalink
- Events URL permalink
- Members URl permalink
- Podcast URL permalink
- Radio channel permalink
- Schedule permalink
- Shows URl permalink
Player settings
Player options
- Player design (footer or header)
- Show cover in player
- Custom player in post contents (replace the default audio block with the custom player)
- Background color
- Text color
- Accent background color
- Text on accent background (paylist)
- Accent hover
- Track background (for cue)
Radio options
- Fetch player artworks: try to find the album artwork from iTunes for the known songs
You can automatically preload some podcasts in the player, if they are in MP3 format.
- Featured podcasts by ID
- Total amount of podcasts by date
Audio posts
Preload audio posts containing an audio content
- Featured posts by ID
- Total amount of posts by date
Custom playlist
Create a custom playlist by uploading the mp3 track directly in the customizer, and setting titles, authors and covers.
Backgrounds, fonts, colors and more
Page headers can be customized and styled to match your brand with the live customizer functionality. Pro.Radio adds stunning features as duotone, grayscale, overlay and gradients to create very unique results.
Change anything
You can really design the header for any type of radio station, including a fancy waves animation and decoradions. Plus many more options to come!