- Unlimited radio channels
- Any MP3/AAC public stream
- Song titles and album cover*
- Header and footer positions
- Play and volume in Menu Bar
- App-Style mobile version
- Unlimited play buttons with Elementor
- Automatic or custom link popups
- Play Radios, Podcasts and Chart tracks
- Any color for background and text
Radios, Podcasts and charts.
All in one player
The new Pro.Radio music player is the most advanced music player on the market for radio station websites!
Unlimited radio streams
Optimized for mobile streaming
The custom post type “Radio Channels” allows to add an unlimited number of radio channels with any mp3 or aac source.
Easily reorder the channels and show only the ones you want in the player.

Custom Playlists
Add unlimited single tracks in the playlist, optionally add price, icon and purchase link, and upload your mp3 file.
Podcast preload
Listen to any MP3 podcast with internal or external source (supported providers for instance Anchor.fm or Blubrry, or upload your own mp3 locally) and automatically include the latest audio podcasts in your player.

One player, limitless customizations
With its huge amount of different settings pro.radio player is the swiss-knife of your radio website. Your imagination is the only limit.
Infinite colors and typography combinations available

Song titles and album covers*

Open the player in custom popups with any style

Unlimited play buttons with Elementor

*Support for titltes from Shoutcast (>2), Icecast (> 2.4), ICY metadata, Radio.co, Airtime Pro, Airtime, Live365, Radionomy, plain text, RadioKing, Azuracast. Album covers are fetched from public archives and are available only for public commercial albums.
Extra features that you will love
The new Pro.Radio music player is the most advanced music player on the market for radio station websites!

Any color for texts and backgrounds
Choose any color for your music player, there is no limit!
Edit your radio player using the live customizer, no coding required.
Place it on Header or Footer
Easily switch the location between the header or the footer for the large screen resolution.

Non-Stop Music
This powerful music player, together with the bundled plugin “Ajax Page Load”, keeps the music playing while navigating the website.