Hello, dear radio lovers! We have exciting news for your radio station website: a new update for the Pro Radio WordPress Theme is now available!
This update introduces functional improvements to ensure compatibility with the upcoming Elementor version 3.26, which includes significant changes under the hood.
Updating is essential to maintain your website’s functionality with the latest version of Elementor.
How to update Pro Radio WordPress Theme
To update the theme, you can use the automatic procedure.
After updating the theme, make sure to also update the Pro Radio plugins, clicking on the button “Install and Update plugins” available from the ProRadio Admin screen.
Select all of the plugins you see in the list, choose Update from the dropdown, and wait for the confirmation message.
Everything will keep on working as before.
Support Period Expired?
If your Updates and Support period has expired, don’t worry! We can help you extend it—no need to purchase a new license. Just contact us here.
New to Pro Radio WordPress Theme?
Get your new license with 15% discount! Use the coupon code “TheBlogWelcome10” for an instant 10% discount!